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Stateless Children Vulnerable to Global Crime

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Human Trafficking in Mae Sot: The Dark Reality on the Thailand-Myanmar Border

Mae Sot, a bustling border city in Thailand, has long been a gateway for migrants and refugees fleeing conflict and economic hardship in Myanmar. However, beneath the surface of this vibrant cross-border trade hub lies a grim reality: human trafficking. Mae Sot has become a hotspot for trafficking due to its strategic location, porous border, and the socio-economic vulnerabilities of people on both sides.

The trafficking networks in Mae Sot exploit the desperation of individuals seeking a better life, particularly those escaping political instability and poverty in Myanmar. Many are lured with false promises of employment, only to find themselves trapped in forced labor, sexual exploitation, or other forms of modern slavery. Factories, farms, and the sex industry in Thailand are often the end destinations for these trafficked individuals.

Victims are often subjected to harsh working conditions, with little to no pay, and face threats or physical violence if they attempt to escape. The complexity of human trafficking in Mae Sot is exacerbated by the involvement of corrupt officials and the lack of stringent law enforcement. While Thailand has made efforts to combat trafficking through legislation and international cooperation, the problem persists due to the high demand for cheap labor and the challenges of policing a border with numerous unofficial crossings.


The fight against human trafficking in Mae Sot and the broader Thailand-Myanmar border region requires a coordinated approach that includes stronger legal frameworks, increased border security, and international cooperation to dismantle trafficking networks. Only through such comprehensive efforts can the cycle of exploitation be broken, providing hope and safety to those at risk.

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Hope Thru Education


“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” — Greek Proverb.

 “If we can help, then we should” Timikara

At Dracon international, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to get a quality education. That's why we focus on providing educational opportunities to immigrant children who may not have access to them otherwise. We are working hard to build a school that will provide these children with the resources they need to learn and grow. Our goal is to raise enough funds to build this school and provide these students with the tools they need to have a successful future.

Empowering Children Through Education: Pathway to Confidence and Hope

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Education is more than just a tool for acquiring knowledge; it is a powerful catalyst for building confidence and providing hope for the future. For children, especially those from underprivileged backgrounds, education offers a way to break free from the cycle of poverty and create a brighter future. By fostering self-belief and equipping them with essential skills, education empowers children to envision and pursue their dreams.

When children engage in learning, they not only gain academic knowledge but also develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. These skills are crucial in helping them navigate challenges and overcome obstacles. As children achieve milestones in their education, whether it’s mastering a new subject or successfully completing a project, they build self-esteem. This growing confidence encourages them to set higher goals and take on new challenges, reinforcing the idea that they have control over their destinies.

Moreover, education provides children with a sense of belonging and purpose. Schools often serve as supportive environments where children can express themselves, interact with peers, and receive guidance from teachers and mentors. This positive social interaction further boosts their self-confidence, teaching them to communicate effectively and work collaboratively. In this way, education helps children form a solid foundation for personal development and future success.

For children in vulnerable situations, such as those affected by poverty, conflict, or discrimination, education can be a lifeline. It opens doors to opportunities that were previously out of reach and serves as a beacon of hope. By learning about different cultures, histories, and possibilities, children expand their worldviews and gain the courage to dream big. Education not only shows them what is possible but also equips them with the tools to turn those possibilities into reality.

Supporting children’s education, therefore, is an investment in their future. By providing access to quality education and nurturing environments, we can help children build the confidence they need to pursue their aspirations. In doing so, we create a pathway to hope, enabling the next generation to contribute positively to their communities and the world at large.

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Our Kids Projects

Who Are We. 

Dracon International Trade Ltd

Can I leave this world in a better condition than I found it? Yes, absolutely.

At Dracon International Trading Ltd., we strive to make a positive impact through our work. Under the leadership of our director, Mr. Timikara Taurerewa, we have grown into a global company that collaborates with small, medium, and large construction companies worldwide. Our goal is not just to facilitate international trade but to build lasting relationships and create opportunities that uplift communities. By promoting ethical practices and ensuring the highest standards in the construction industry, we contribute to building a world where quality and integrity are the foundations of every project.

As a married family man with two girls and a grandchild, I find my deepest purpose in helping shape a brighter future for them and all the children we touch through our work. I believe that if I can make a difference in the lives of these kids, my life has true meaning. With the unwavering love and support of my wife, I am committed to being an example for my children, demonstrating that through hard work, compassion, and dedication, we can indeed leave this world in a better state. It is my hope that one day, my children may be inspired to follow this path of making a difference, continuing the legacy of positive change and hope for generations to come.

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Who Are We. 

Our Kids


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