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How to Source China

Dracon International Trading NZ Ltd

Our primary purpose is to help you boost your company economically and give you a strategic advantage. Buying China direct factory is not a easy process. Our job is to assist you in a safe, secure buying cyclet.

Dracon we take You Deep into China Manufacturing

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Lets check your project, and plan for success. 

Check out our case studies. 


1st check, double check, triple check, verify and verify again all certs, documents, your suppliers promises are not factual until we check. 

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3rd Party Inspections: 

  1. Production 

  2. Post Production 

  3. Loading 

  4. Factory Audit

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Our primary purpose is to help you boost your company economically and give you a strategic advantage.



We assist our clients by planning your China travel A-Z, includes factory inspections, support documents, visa application, and to seek out opportunities. 

China office

Have you considered having your own China office without the overheads.


We assist our clients by planning your China travel A-Z, includes factory inspections, support documents, visa application, and to seek out opportunities.



Return of Investment ROI

What am I paying for? and whats my return for Service Value. 

Our Customers Say


Geoff Pickford director

GapRoofing NZ Ltd

"Timikara helped my company find a supplier that could produce our Hydraulic Press, which gives my company added competive advantage in our field, we saved half the costs buying China direct"

See Case Study


Scott Osbourne director
Playstation PNG
"Timikara and his team sourced all my products, They picked me up at airport and took me through the supply chain.

Dracon is now working on my new project Amusement Park."

See Case Study


Duncan Bates MD

Akaroa Salmon NZ

Dracon NZ Timikara kept us engaged throughout the entire process, door to door and supported our engineer ensure our machinery ran perfectly for to expand our company.

See Case Study

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Simon Dunn MD

ATI Engineering NZ

Expaning our service, Dracon audited Pipe Bending Machine China Supply chain. 

There were issues and Timikara made it all happen for us. 

'Peace of Mind assured'

See Case Study

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