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Fake China Factory

It is with regret and satisfaction we have found a Chinese Factory Supplier with fake SGS certification.

As China opens for global business, Dracon NZ respect China policy and we too see China global financial stability, therefore our company works towards a better China for all nations, Win Win. Dracon NZ is part of the solution.

Once again we use strict sourcing protocols to ensure our clients business is safe and secure. Hence our strategic position in the heart of manufacturing, Guangzhou, China.

My new client found me from my one of my channels, they have been talking to this factory for 6 months, with erratic communication, mixed messages, disappearing in and out of communications and constant price changing.

Their website is very professional, their quotes, their catalogues looked great. We actioned our normal sourcing process and found the following. When you consider sourcing China this may be of use to you:

  1. They sit in global online supply platform

  2. Their website is bought out of USA and they manage the site from China

  3. The owners name on their site doesn’t match the owner in China

  4. They have a 43% don’t trust from an online platform we use

  5. The owner emailed in English and when we called him he couldn’t understand English

  6. Our Chinese team dug deeper and came up with no results to authenticate the company

  7. We ran a check on his certification of SGS

  8. He wouldn’t supply their company registration certificate

Why do we go to great lengths? We need to be certain beyond a shadow of doubt before we take our results back to our client.

We were then instructed by my client to be their sole agent in China to source products and materials ex China.

Our sole responsibility is to assist and consult our clients to a positive outcome. We give our clients 100% effort. We give thanks to for their wonderful service.

Yes, we charge a fee yes, we are a business. Yes, we place vale on what we offer our clients.

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