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$1 million USD, 1 Year Supply Scaffolding Ringlock

*PRICE-LOCK 2018-2019 $1350USD/TONNE (verified) The lowest, compliant in all of China, “apples for apples” Compatible PROS**FF & LAYH*R NZ/AUST. SS ASNZS1576.3 G18 (compliant ASNZS1576.3 produced August 2018) Price raw materials is unstable, they price in some cases changes week to week, my client values price lock, therefore he knows his numbers, profit vs expenses for 2019, now he can concentrate on growing his business. Source China Direct, ex-Factory Pricing. Newsletter update projects: Facebook: #constructionchina #sourcechina #sourcescaffolding #ringlock#chinascaffolding

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