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Aluminum Ringlock Scaffolding $500,000USD contract signed

Compatible to NZ/Aust Ringlock steel.

One of our clients has agreed to sign $500,000 USD supply 1 year to NZ market.

With Client in hand, full Factory inspection with criteria:

  • Specialize Aluminum only

  • Track Record China domestic and international market

  • Onsite aluminum machinery

  • All components made in house

  • Full Compliance

  • Attitude to work hard

  • Compatible to NZ/Aust Ringlock steel

  • Customize planks & ledger heads

  • Truss and beam systems

Our supplier our plan specs in hand, and did demonstrate his ability to make compatible scaffolding, smaller sets of scaffolding to builder and painter markets, and tick all our boxes. We even had a basket ball game two on two China vs NZ. Lucky last goal won thanks to my double pump jump shot.

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