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Source China Luxury Homes:

Source China Luxury Homes: Last week we completed 3-day tour of China supply, first stop Luxury Container Style homes, from over 50 housing factories, this supplier is leading the pack. On the back of constant research and Due Diligence, I can give you front line on the spot account of what excites me, “They have got everything right” Dracon NZ based China full time was engaged by Australian client to search entire China for their business supply chain according to their industry, landscape and market. Its not my job to tell them whats going on in their turf, I am commissioned and paid to source best of China, then pick up my clients at Guangzhou airport, and road trip is on, flights, trains, hotels and entire schedule is planned in advance to budget and timing. Clients approval to invest their hard earn dollars is to seek opportunity and end results profit. This is the formula. Signup our newsletter: Recent source projects: Commercial Projects: #Chinaconstruction #sourcechina #sourcechina #chinaagent#chinaconstruction #containerhouse #containerhomes#chinahouse#prefabricatedhome #chinaprefabricated #chinaprefab#construction #planning#kitchen #house #furniture #windows #lighting#bathroom #mansion #shipping#sourcing #inspection #chinacarpet #carpet#containerhome#containerhomeluxury #bathroom #modularbathroom#bathroomchina

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