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Case Study: Sourcing Luxury Building Materials in China for a Perth Luxury House

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Welcome Guy & Susie Ware. The A Team. Perth

Adventures in Luxury: Perth Developer's Journey to Source High-End Materials from China

In the bustling city of Perth, a prominent developer is embarking on an ambitious high-end housing project. Their vision is to create a community that seamlessly blends modern design with timeless elegance, featuring expansive living spaces and state-of-the-art amenities. To achieve this, they have turned to the rich and diverse markets of China, sourcing luxury materials that will elevate their project to new heights.

To ensure the highest standards of quality and compliance, the project team has partnered with Dracon International. Together, they are navigating the intricate Chinese market, focusing on securing materials that meet Australian standards, including the rigorous AS/NZS certifications.

Modular NZ and Australian Approved

The Adventure Begins:

The journey starts in the vibrant provinces of Guangdong and Foshan, known for their top-tier manufacturing capabilities. The project team, along with Dracon International's experts, embarks on direct factory visits, immersing themselves in the heart of China's manufacturing hubs. These visits are not just about inspection; they are about forging relationships, understanding the craftsmanship, and ensuring that every piece meets the exacting standards required for luxury living.

In Guangzhou, a strategic partnership with China Modular proves invaluable. This collaboration allows the team to explore innovative building solutions and integrate them into the project seamlessly. From bespoke kitchen fittings to elegant bathroom fixtures, every detail is meticulously planned and sourced.

Working with the senior engineers

Ensuring Excellence:

Dracon International's role is pivotal. They facilitate comprehensive quality control measures, logistics management, and compliance documentation. Each material undergoes stringent testing to ensure it adheres to Australian standards. This meticulous approach guarantees that the luxury materials not only meet but exceed the expectations of the Perth developer.

Grande scale of Manufacturing

The Road to Completion:

As the project progresses, the excitement builds. Shipments of marble tiles, custom cabinetry, and cutting-edge appliances make their way from China to Perth. The logistical orchestration is flawless, ensuring timely delivery and seamless integration into the construction timeline.

The expected completion date is set for November 2024. By then, the high-end housing project will stand as a testament to the collaboration between the Perth developer and Dracon International. It will showcase the finest luxury materials sourced from China, bringing the vision of modern elegance to life.

Steel workshop

Join the Adventure:

Are you seeking a robust China supply chain or a dedicated China procurement arm for your business? Look no further than Dracon International. Our expertise, coupled with our deep connections in the Chinese market, ensures that your project will receive the highest quality materials, on time and within budget.

Reach out to Dracon International for your project needs and embark on an adventure of quality, compliance, and excellence. Together, we can turn your vision into reality, one luxury project at a time.

This expanded adventure story highlights the excitement and meticulous planning involved in sourcing luxury materials from China, emphasizing the collaboration between the Perth developer and Dracon International. It captures the journey, the challenges, and the ultimate success of the project, inviting others to join in this venture.


A prominent Perth developer is sourcing luxury materials from China for a high-end housing project. Their goal is to blend modern design with timeless elegance, featuring expansive living spaces and state-of-the-art amenities. The project team, alongside Dracon International, is navigating the Chinese market to ensure compliance with Australian standards, such as AS/NZS certifications.

Key strategies include direct factory visits in Guangdong and Foshan, and partnering with China Modular in Guangzhou. Dracon International facilitates quality control, logistics, and compliance documentation, ensuring timely delivery of top-tier materials. Expected completion is November 2024, showcasing the finest luxury materials from China. Reach out to Dracon International for your project needs!

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