China Building Materials Supply Chain.

Should I be worried?
No, no, says DRACON NZ based Guangzhou, China. With forward planning we can mitigate potential delays and plan around extreme changes before they happen.
As the buyer for clients, due diligence, prechecking compliance certification authenticity from the compliance global body, logistics, freight and custom documentation, Dracon International Trade NZ & Hong Kong office we are the one stop shop.

For this project we audited 15+ factories to fine the very best supplier all of China we guarantee if you can do better? We will work for FREE. I am confident.
Love see this part of the project where NZ Customs does Xray, followed by a visual inspection clears our goods ready to deliver to my clients yard. For Dracon exciting part is we are now door to door, GST tax inclusive, freight, customs and govt taxes clearance, as my client all you need to do is expect savings up to 500%.
This project is half the NZ local pricing by going direct China using the services of Dracon.
Hydraulic Press Brake WC67Y 125T & Guillotine QC12Y-6×3200 valued $120,500NZD on Trade me Buy direct China saving 31% direct China $69,500NZD landed port NZ (including GST)
Loading Port Shanghai 15 April 2022. To Port Lyttleton, Christchurch.
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