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Property Develop Remax Realty No 3 Global Achiever

Dracon International Trade NZ Ltd, Source China Direct: construction materials, prequalified under due diligence and NZAS compliance.

I go to my clients, Jerry No 3 Global Real Estate Agency. At Remax Partners, specialise in residential property sales and a private property developer, hence my visit.

Fortunately we have a long relationship from our career history that allows us to afford and meeting before I leave New Zealand, en-route to China.

We agreed that opportunity avails in the future, and we both know each other personally and professionally to business...……..

Source China direct factory, Dracon international trade NZ Ltd based China. The gate way to global manufacturing.

My client:

Number 3. In the world, Real-estate agent Global Remax Realty.

Property Developer Auckland.

Team of over 25 agency under the leadership of Jerry Chen.

Dracon NZ Ltd, the professional buyer to China Construction.


To engage with Dracon NZ, see our links in the comment section below:


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