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Source China Direct Factory, Samples in Courier to NZ

: Our Client is Global Supplier. HDPE High Density Polyethylene Foam Heavy Duty Pipe Support, Discovery Phase, Due Diligence ‘Comparative Report’ deduced from 25 Suppliers we have shortlisted two suppliers. We are sending product samples to our NZ Client.

The Full Source Cycle (simplified):

  1. Product Specifications Detail

  2. Discovery Phase: Vetting the Entire China Supply Chain & Audit Process

    1. Shortlist Suppliers

    2. Finalise the Chinese Manufacturer

    3. Courier Samples to client

  3. Production Stage

  4. Postproduction Inspection Report

  5. Loading & Delivery

  6. Clear Clients Customs at Port and Delivery Onsite

  7. Post Project Update

HDP is a high density, closed cell, cross linked polyethylene polymer foam pipe support for hot and

cold applications.

· Product: High Density Polyethylene Foam 300kg/cbm high density

· Dimensions: 1200mm x 2400mm x 50mm thick

· Density: 300kg/cbm

· Colour: Black colour preferred or other

· Purpose: foam insulation for pipework

DUE DILIGENCE: is primarily a way to reduce exposure to risk. The process ensures that a party is aware of all the details of a transaction before they agree to it.

OUR SERVICE VALUE is to ensure suppliers ex China are compliant to YOUR building standards. China

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