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Castings Doha Industries Qatar Robotics for Cast Iron

Timikara, Director at Dracon International, visited Qatar’s Mold Casting Industries, a global leader in manufacturing, to explore ways of boosting production speed and profitability. Guided by senior manager Giacomo, Timikara walked the mold casting production line, noting areas for improvement. He proposed using robotic arms for repetitive tasks like mold handling and casting, which could streamline production and improve consistency while freeing skilled workers for complex jobs. Additionally, he suggested data tracking for real-time monitoring, ensuring smoother operations and reduced downtime.

Giacomo was thrilled with the ideas. “With Dracon’s guidance, Casting Industries can reach new global heights,” he said. Timikara’s visit marked the beginning of an exciting transformation, promising faster production and stronger market presence for Casting. A new era in manufacturing had begun, merging Middle Eastern industrial power with Dracon’s innovative expertise.

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